Whether you own or manage a commercial tenant space, office building or an apartment complex, tenant discrimination (TD) liability insurance protects against high litigation defense costs and damages exposure. Such policies typically include both defense and indemnity coverage, and are an invaluable tool to avoid protracted, expensive legal battles.
TD provides protection from allegations and lawsuits arising from current, prospective and former tenants and any other non-employee alleging discrimination (including violations of ADA), harassment, and/or wrongful eviction.The insurance also features full prior acts and punitive damage coverage (where insurable by law).TD also covers alleged discrimination of a potential tenant and not allowing them to rent space.This can be a commercial tenant trying to rent an office or retail space in a building or a tenant renting an apartment.
Standard general liability and employment practices liability policies don’t provide TD coverage. Ask your DSI Agent to review your existing policy to identify any gaps in coverage and if tenant discrimination coverage is needed.
Contact us or get a business insurance quote now.